Stars Over Kitsap | Third Week in September 2014

Radical re-balancing is afoot, baby. It’s as exciting as walking a tightrope with no net! Shadows are lengthening and we will soon return to homes and schools where we sit tight as sardines.

Personal development moves off stage and social skills step into the spotlight in Libra where development of the group becomes the focus during this new moon starting on Sept. 23. That’s right, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo, it’s not all about you! The group is a large group, however. It’s the societal group where we dedicate our personal  skills to build cultures and civilizations.

Libras point out the beauty in creation while teaching us social graces and how to get along. The ultimate soul mission for Libra is inner peace no matter what goes on “out there.” They look completely unruffled, all pink and pretty, tall and handsome, but Libras are stretched tight inwardly calling forth balance and calm on many fronts.

This new moon finds the Libra sun and moon sitting cozy as a pair of comfy shoes somewhat out of the astral traffic. They have much to discuss after the long eight month transit of Mars enlivening them with a fresh burst of energy.

Opening to a call for more equality and forthrightness in rights and responsibilities, this sun and moon pair lay claim to their individual person-hood while still being in relationship. Our question of the month is: Can we follow in their footsteps? Where must we make changes to bring harmony, beauty, calm and balance to our friendships, family and world?

Helping the twosome find their footing are the asteroid goddesses. Juno, Vesta, Pallas Athena, and Ceres (a dwarf planet) and Venus are conferring with stuffy, old Saturn who doesn’t want his authority challenged. Hmm! The Goddesses argue that receptivity is an action and a powerful choice! Passivity is passe. And, passive-aggressive is so Age of Pisces. This is Libra moving forward into the Age of Aquarius extending straightforward diplomacy.  This is a challenge all people must accept.


Libra, you beautiful people, take a break from relating! As much as you love that partnership jazz, this month is about you. Sharpen your image and catch up with your own beauty.

Uranus in Aries is pushing the mission of individuality, Aries, but it’s time for you to take it to the relationship arena. You can be you and part of two; someone loves you just the way you are! Dynamic, fun, and spontaneous, don’t hold back.

Capricorn, your favorite area of career is highlighted with this moon. You have much in common with Libra as you both enjoy tradition and harmony. Colleagues can help you move up and get noticed without playing politics. Collaboration and mutual support will do the trick.

This month is all about home, Cancer. Don’t you love that? Remodel, declutter, do whatever to find the beauty and harmony in your own little estate. Diplomacy can smooth over any past rough spots with family members.

Play and recreation is on deck for you, Gemini, you social butterfly! This moon pulls action and fun into several areas of your life. Network and touch as many bases as you can. You know you love it!

Feel that Libra wind beneath your wings, Aquarius? Lift off to fun adventure if you possibly can. The receptivity of the Goddesses lead you to a more relaxed state. Go Zen and see what comes.

Taurus feels Libra ushering their co-ruler Venus to the forefront. The new Libra energy comes to your work arena bringing harmony among colleagues. Try carrying some of that balance into your personal relations.

Virgo, your humility and aspiration for perfection can bring your self-esteem down sometimes. Let me say it for everyone, Virgo. You are amazing! Be your own best friend and practice self-compassion. It will turn your life around!

The twelfth house is a rest zone, Scorpio, and you are up for one. Take a nap. Lie in a hammock. Give yourself time to release the last year and feel the inklings of the new one coming. This period fuels your whole year, so do it. Seriously!

Pisces mate for life. If you have a mate, reaffirm it and do the bonding thing. If you aren’t there yet, face your fears of death, intimacy and sharing a checking account. That’s asking a lot of friends.  Therapy works. (Ask me how I know!) Make it the year’s project!

Mars has rolled into Pisces and an immediate confrontation with Neptune. Sagittarius, you’re feeling energized but watch out for castles in the air. Go after what you value. Networking is likely to turn up interesting buddies.

You are in a fun vortex at this new moon, Leo. Stay focused on the future you are building a foundation for and get out there and see what happens. With a clear intention, you could find many helping hands.

Dear friends, please remember that, as always, astrology speaks to a flow of energy. You are the creative force directing it to the highest and best use for your growth and development. The Autumn Equinox tipped the balance toward more reflection. Take this time to re-evaluate beauty, peace and harmony in your life.

Next up is a solar eclipse that echoes energies of the grand cross last April. Where were you then?