O Stars Above: Gemini New Moon

Changing Our Minds

If you think “words can never hurt you,” you've never been belittled. On the other hand, if you've been thanked, admired or praised, you know words can lift you up. However you look at it, words count, but, remember, words come out of our basic perceptions about life.

The New Moon in Gemini (Saturday June 4 at 7:59 pm. PDT), brings attention to how we perceive our world and then, use words to organize life - keeping us in self-imposed boxes. Gemini craves variety within routine, loves a good, gossipy chat and leans on logic. Routine and logic, however, can harden into preconceptions that make us feel safe, but suck the joy-juice from life.

This new moon, like last month's, snuggles up with Venus, the goddess of love, who makes us feel safe enough to risk living close to our hearts. Since last fall, the eclipses and universal lesson plan has pushed us to release beliefs that keep us from finding our personal meaning and purpose in life. The energy now is urging us to take a flying leap in a new direction. The Age of Aquarius requires faith and trust in stepping onto a path where “We are all One” and love and kindness works - all the time.

Good communication comes from the inside out and takes time and thought. For the most part we do it on the run, but Gemini gives us a chance to come face to face with old fears and break out of misconceptions into more love, kindness and expansion.

In other words, we are 'changing our minds' as we shift to a place where everyone has a valued part in collaborations and co-creation. Hang in there as we clean up old perceptions and language and dare to speak Love!

Horoscopes June 4 to 20

Gemini, sometimes logic gets in the way. Your cosmic mission is to feel your way forward with your loving heart. Where does it feel good? What do you do that feels good? No logical rebuttal needed, just do more of what feels...good. The message is encoded in feeling.

Cancer, hang the hammock and get to the business of unstructured time as you ease out of last year and into the next. Your broader circle of friends contains some folks worth getting chummy with. Read the tea leaves, tarot cards, or clouds that look like bunnies. Gear down. Take a nap.

Leo, go play with colleagues, network like you're on a mission and just have fun. There may be a little ancestral closet cleaning to do, but invest in yourself, appreciate what you have and enjoy. Where are you trusting more? Build relationships and notice they enjoy you, too.

Virgo, your public standing is high as an elephant's eye. You're blooming and everyone wants to circle around you. You've paid it forward, and lord knows, you've earned it - so enjoy. Go where the lasting value lies. Plant seeds of your own desires in simple conversations. Plan more fun.

Libra, open up, baby, and go way outside your normal box. The angels are with you and you can see where you hold yourself too tight and work too hard in relationships. People are happy to be with you and you can take it down a notch. Take a trip if you can, but mainly look for the easy flow.

Scorpio, Mars and personal desires are working for you. Look ahead two years and make plans now for heading in that direction soon. Strategies for abundance, love and affection are all good and need to be shared with your partner. Stay with your deepest, most compelling values.

Sagittarius, two full moons in one month! The universe presents you with a gift so use it. Stand on faith, pick up your responsibility, talk to your partner with love and tend to small things toward the future you want. The push you feel is the cosmic wind at your back. Focus.

Capricorn, colleagues see you go up and see you go down - be kind and friendly. Temper ambitions so you can scale the smaller mountain. Some things have no explanation - we call it karma. Bear it well. Find faith in poetic language and images as you loosen rigid thinking.

Aquarius, much of your creativity comes from talking to everyone about everything, reading far and wide, thinking deep thoughts, and then gathering people around revolutionary ideas. Blend your heart with your mind and boom-chick-a-boom, you've got everyone on board. Forward ho.

Pisces, look deep into your roots, your ancestry, home, hearth and mother. Break through your personal mythic story to the family's untold tales, the bits and pieces that add up. You may be steeped in mystery, but your partner has your back and is busy tending to everyday business. Thank them.

Aries, a bit of psychological work you thought you handled sends you on a detour. Goals have moved into your blind spot. Tend to work details – there are a ton of them. Chat with people on your regular route and wait until you get a sign to go ahead. Talking and listening closely is the key.

Taurus, the follow up to your birthday month is a sense of self: self-love, self-esteem, self-value. Treasure yourself, speak up for what you need, offer what you have, and be as real as possible with partners and best friends. They are the mirror you see more of yourself in and it's all good.