O Stars Above: Taurus New Moon

Slow Down to Nature's Pace

Skagit Valley Tulips by Debbie Teashon/Rainyside.com

Skagit Valley Tulips by Debbie Teashon/Rainyside.com

After a tsunami of planets in watery Pisces and a fiery force in Aries, the planetary crowd begins to disseminate, wandering off in their own direction. The new Moon in placid Taurus (April 26 at 5:16 am PDT) joins the Sun in weaving together a plan for the newly released energies of idealism and action beginning with a slow down.

Each sign gathers strength from the actions of its preceding sign. Aries' pioneering turns into farmer Taurus' stabilizing re-actions. Taurus grabs the new horizons uncovered by Aries, builds a barn (or a safe) and hunkers down to protect the assets as they instinctively nurture whatever creates value and security for our bodies, family, and future generations. Children, Mother Nature's plants and animals, resources, and money expand under Taurus's super-power - productive propagation!

Taurus time slows us down to nature's pace. We notice we have a body with five ever-so-delightful senses which bring fundamental pleasures. Taureans will take time to smell the roses, have a massage, and eat a gourmet meal while tending to the business of being a human-animal on this beautiful planet. Apply those fives senses to getting down to procreation, and – oh la la!

Mercury meets up (again) with independent Uranus in Aries to decide just how independent to be while Venus checks in (again) with Chiron, the wounded healer in Pisces, to tend to forgiving old heartaches. Mars in Gemini plows up the neighborhood checking on the latest news and gossip.

What are your most fundamental values and how well are you tending those fields? And, plain and simple, are you in your body? Not sure? Try sprawling on a newly cut lawn with the spring sun warming your face while overlooking the Sound and eating ice cream with your Honey. How does that feel for being in your body? Oh, yea!

Horoscopes April 26 – May 10

Taurus, a new moon with little involvement by other planets allows you to disengage from nurturing duties to focus on yourself. What do you really want from the world? You are modest, but have the assets of quiet charm and charisma to attract it. Get strategic about the power of You!

Gemini, this moon ponder last year's cycle. What have you accomplished? What have you left undone? Complete what calls to be finished. But, use this month to separate from the stress of others and daily life for an internal 'job review.' Take time to dream ahead about being radically you!

Cancer, consider the resources of truly supportive friends. Who are you impatient with because they don't support who you are, what you have and how you dream? Clean house and nurture the ones who nurture you. Feel the heartache of broken promises and release as you can. Tender times.

Leo, when you're in the spotlight, people project their opinions, good and bad, onto you like you are a paper doll. Not a real, live, imperfect human. Separate their views from yours and remember who you are even as you shine and create a broader stage for yourself. The world awaits. Don't hold back.

Virgo, breakout month! Get out of your rut and travel, either far and wide, or out of your regular rut through the neighborhood. Read, take a class, apply the education you have to widening your world of beliefs and philosophies. What part of your essential self is enslaved? Set her free!

Libra, consider talking about how much money you make, spend or save. Think about doing that naked. WHAT?! Vulnerabilities surface immediately, don't they? So, how much are you willing to be vulnerable to break into new areas of intimacy. Not with every one. Just the important ones!

Scorpio, our relationships are our greatest teachers whether best friends or fr-enemies. What do you see in the eyes of those looking back at you? Who do you work to stay up with? Tune into the ways others see you. Do you surround yourself with all critics or cheerleaders? You need both to learn.

Sagittarius, if you aren't whistling while you work, quick, find inspiration. When did work turn into a dirge? Routine and details are necessary but, you of all people, need inspiring co-conspirators and a creative base for your work. You may need more 'feminine' expression or input. Ease up a bit!

Capricorn, fall in love – with something you take for granted - your children, spouse, a new friend, the garden, your pets – open your heart and dive into love and creative self-expression! Notice how you express love/affection and what kind you like when it comes back to you. Ah, spring!

Aquarius, ET, come home! You fly in a cosmic orbit but ground and find your roots. How deep do they go and what TLC do they need to support your many branches? Catch up with the part of you that doesn't change and nurture that timeless essence. Forgive human failures, theirs and yours.

Pisces, okay, you're shy and psychic. But there is a thin line between projecting onto people and tuning into them. Use your words and talk up a storm. Set up projects with everyone around you as an excuse to work together and talk while your hands are busy. You might be surprised at what you learn.

Aries, are you exhausted? OMG - the last few months! Pull it all in and sort out what was most valuable to you. Maybe talk it through with a mentor. What could you have done without? Where did your ego get into a huff? Focus on the essential, then proceed with your usual joie de vie.