Stars Above Kitsap | Third Week in February

If you have ever been caught in a tidal change, you know the power of such moments. We are in the midst of a 2,600-year shift in ages which moves backwards through the signs. We are graduating from the Age of Pisces and taking on the Age of Aquarius’ mission of innovation and inclusion.

Additionally, Aquarius is the sign that has the honor this year of presenting us with two new moons instead of only one. We get a second look at our Aquarian initiation. This second one occurs Feb. 18 at 3:37 p.m. and DO NOT BLINK! Instantly the moon moves to Pisces. Two minutes later (not long enough to make yourself a latte) the sun parades into Pisces too.

We dive from the airy intellectual heights of Aquarius into the soft, fluid feeling world of Pisces in this flash flood of change. The highest Piscean principle is eloquently stated by Chief Seattle. “All things share the same air — the beast, the tree, the man.” This is the experiential arena of connecting to our heart-brain where we are all one.

This Aquarian/Pisces theme forces us to contemplate our security as individuals and as a society to step into an invisible, multi-dimension calling us to interdependence and interconnectedness?

Whether or not we consciously feel this sea change, the times they are a changin’. Seriously.

Feb. 18 to March 5

Aquarius, without going all preachy-preachy, get creative about how to bring your broad-mindedness into your professional life. Open your mind, flow to your heart and ahhhh, feel that tidal pull? It’s a more inclusive and caring perception you need before you can make progress.

Pisces, five planets in Pisces are on stage, but your get-up-and-go moves to Aries tomorrow. Tides muddy the water as they push and pull toward shore. Your co-workers need your unerring, fluid senses to align with the bigger picture. It may be illogical, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work!

Aries, your ruling planet, Mars, arrives home Feb. 19. Proceed with care. With Uranus, the god of sudden chaos also in Aries, pick your battles. Knee-jerk reactions are not helpful. Are you working for the people or for your ego? Maturity can help but even MacBeth made a big mistake on this one, and the witches warned him! Contemplate and feel it in your gut.

Taurus, your ruler, Venus, runs after Mars into Aries on Feb. 21. This action takes place in your blind spot along with that lightning god, Uranus. You’ll be walking the fine line between imagination and the edgy ego when all you wanted was a down-to-earth action plan. Count to 10, then to a hundred. Breath and trust the backroom action. It’s coming …

Gemini, TGMID (short for “Thank God, Mercury is Direct”) and two personal planets in Aries, you are cleared for takeoff. Any trip, even a short one, can bring clarity. Your gift for logic taps into the ebb and flow of public needs. Fill those needs and watch your endeavors prosper.

Cancer, find some quiet for the arrival of this new moon. You could experience the allness, the oneness. When God speaks, take good notes because then it’s back to chopping wood and carrying water — but, oh, baby, it’s a whole new world. Seriously, make a date with this new moon.

Leo, you little firebaby. With five planets in watery Pisces on Feb. 17-18, you are out of your element. Water extinguishes fire. Or could it be like the quickening, a spark of life in the amniotic waters. Soften and be still — a deep healing and a rebirth is underway.

Virgo, Mercury direct could bring new colleagues, pets or protocols — whatever — the motion is forward. Murky feelings about partners or a close friend could be kicked up. Bide your time and hone your focus. What does the marriage need? A trip? Alone or together? Take off after Feb. 18.

Libra, your ruler, soft, gentle Venus is off to Aries-Land where the “I” is in opposition to the “thou” and Mr. Mars in Aries will not leave it alone. You will serve the needs of your near and dear this month. A friend could be edging into a fling. Boundaries in dividing work duties are leaky.

Scorpio, Mars in Aries is pointed, active, revolutionary, and personal — you totally get Aries. This energy shows up at work where teamwork goes out the window, but you look good to the boss. Interoffice politics work for you. The personal areas of your chart are bubbling with activity

Sagittarius, Saturn and your ruling planet, Jupiter retrograde, tone down your natural active energy. There is so much going on deep in your personal life. Well, observation and experience trump being in your head. Buckle down and pick your words carefully.

Capricorn, ambition is best used when used for the betterment of all. Upgrade your reading, talking and learning to be as spiritual a leader as you are an organizational one. This is the energy signature of Martin Luther King Jr. Feel what is right and just, and do that. You are getting an overhaul in how to use personal power to empower the group.

Age of Aquarius Flies in on Wings of the Sea Hawks

Who'd have thought the long awaited Age of Aquarius would arrive as a demonstration of shining possibilities by a football team. Yes, we won the NFC Championship in a dramatic string of miracles but what we truly witnessed was the principles of Aquarius in dynamic action.

During my moments of doubt, mid-fourth quarter, I entertained myself with the Sea Hawks' astrological chart wondering what the stars had to say?

The Seahawks are born under the heroic sign of Leo. But, standing beside the Sun is Saturn, the taskmaster. In order for Leo to shine, Saturn demands blood, sweat and tears, even failure. Give him his due, however, and expect radiance!

With nothing happening on the field to back up my analysis, I said, “The team chart says these guys are going to the Super Bowl, again. I don't get how, but it's their destiny!”

Meanwhile, time ticked off the game clock. On the sidelines, Russell Wilson and Marshawn Lynch talked intensely. They locked eyes and shook hands aligned in some scheme. Wilson's Leo moon matches up with the Seahawks' sun, and the Beast's moon aligns with the Libra moon in the team's chart. Many of the team will have associations like these to the Seahawks and they all spell destiny.

The Seahawks must have earned Saturn's approval because something stepped in - luck, angels, fate, Uranus - and in an electrical strike, everyone melded into one and miracles materialized. The shining path appeared - right through the overtime drive. One, two, three and done.

Will the Super Bowl be another miracle? The team chart is the core of the matter and Aquarius comes forward this time in opposition to their Leo sun. They need a worthy opponent to push against to win Saturn's approval once again. Then Uranus, the wild card of the planets and ruler of Aquarius, can shape-shift chaos into genius. The Super Bowl charts for the last two years are quite similar as is the Seahawks' progressed chart. This year may be a more up front and personally emotional game for the 'Hawks. The secret key is to think like spiritual warriors with focused intensity full of respect, love and compassion for teammates and opponents.

Miracles, the likes of which we saw in the NFC game, are rare. But miracles, they say, are expressions of natural law, and the Seahawks are built on solid turf. Pete Carroll, the Virgo strategist, is unlikely to lose sight of reality.  The sign of miracles is Pisces – a water sign which is heavily represented in the chart of the big day, in the 'Hawks progressed chart and especially in Carroll's. He's brought in the miracle making tools of Pisces - meditation, tai-chi, and yoga. Ultimately, his genius lies in showing us that you can do everything right, but to invite the miracle in, you must add love.

For us, the bystanders, the fans, the observers, the hidden miracle we were privy to was seeing the Age of Aquarius arrive on the wings of the Seahawks. We are entering a 2,600 year age. We should be taking mere baby steps in the new direction. But, it seems the Seahawks got the Aquarian Age memo before the rest of us and they have forged ahead with the new blueprint. The formula: build up every person until he is radiant in his own right and teach him to collaborate with the larger group to bring forth something new and exciting - a better team, a better world. They showed us our future and we can honor our 'Hawks by applying these ideals in daily life and being rewarded, individually and collectively.

What does the future hold for the 'Hawks?  Would we want to know ahead of time? Really? No, we love football because on any given day anything can happen - especially when stars and destiny collide on a football field.

No doubt!

Stars Above Kitsap | Third Week in January

It is still the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Oh, yeah! We could wear tie-dyed T-shirts and have a sit-in, again because the times are not a changin’ that much, astrologically speaking. We (the people) made a ruckus that cracked society wide open for all people. Clearly, the good from that era needs re-energized to get back on track.

The new moon in Aquarius on Tuesday, Jan. 20 at 5:14 a.m. combines with star-patterns that are absolutely historical! There are energetic line ups that haven’t been seen for thousands of years, or since the beginning of our country, or since the start of the industrial revolution. Cultures change with configurations like these.

The stars are drumming with energy. What’s going on in the sky is mind-blowing and we will feel the wave, in both society and our personal lives.

Aquarian energy can get bogged down with rebel-without-a-cause syndrome. But, if we focus ourselves to the spirit of brotherhood and the common good, there is an astral wind at our backs magnifying every small effort we make. What effort will you make? How do you want to use the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

We need everyone’s voice to form our best society. Participate — if only in your own liberation. Time to create a ruckus, people, and bring this revolution home.


For the Jan. 20 new moon to Feb. 3 full moon

Aquarians, everyone gets a sense of what it’s like to be you — innovative, inventive, intelligent. The spotlight shines in a way that gives you a glimpse of your impact on others. Listen to yourself when you talk to discover where you are shifting. Lead on, even if you have to feel your way along the path.

Aries, you are breaking through left, right and down the middle, forging the way and inspiring us. Let the ideals of democracy and brotherhood be your guiding star. Your still, small voice needs attention. How about some good ol’ fashioned daydreaming or a nap?

Capricorn, you have one job right now — take what is and make it better. Tell the truth about what must change and know you have the resources needed. Martin Luther King was a shining example of bringing a dream into reality, one step at a time.  A few walls may come down but remodeling is good.

Sagittarius, responsibility is headed your way. Be sure it is on the path you want to travel. Spreading ideas far and wide are on tap. If you have a message, get it out there: speak from your heart, write, launch web-sites, publish. No passion, yet? Travel or education could help find it.

Leos are in for a month of interacting with others in equal partnerships. Be sure that what they bring to the party is equal to what you bring. Or do you need to step up your game? Your enthusiasm, generosity and warmth is your calling card right now. Remember even small steps move your personal renovation forward.

Virgo, the daily grind — you know, routines, co-workers, details, details, details (your finest area) need innovation to rework anything stuck. Your mind may be overly energized by Mercury, which retrogrades the day after the new moon. Go back over recent events to find the missing link. Your partner may not agree.

Gemini, you know about Mercury retrograde. Let fresh winds blow through dogma and fantasies. Partnerships are in for a two year review. New skills, new adventures ... new partners? Are they supporting your work? And by the way, does your work make your heart sing? It needs to more than ever.

Libra, the airy quality of the moment excites creativity, recreation and thoughts of romance. Do something against your norm. Think eccentric, weird, odd thoughts about how you express yourself and your affections. Are your co-workers pulling their weight? No pity party allowed ... poke them and get them moving.

Taurus, some of Libra’s advice goes for you, too. But focus the “eccentric” in your professional life. It’s okay to have a wild idea or two so loosen up and see what ideas Mercury retrograde brings. The tension between steadiness and changes meets in you. Walk it off, little bull.

Cancer, find security this month in your closest relationship. Together, review family investments, wills and insurance. This is where Mercury retrograde shows up in your chart, so do your due diligence. This moon reaches back to the eclipse in October 2014. What were you trying to accomplish then? Get back to it if the holidays interrupted progress.

Scorpio, funny, there’s something about spending time at home you find deeply transforming. You may find yourself particularly mellow and interested in fun. You did a ton of work the last two years and can tweak whatever didn’t get done over the summer. Play a little now.

Pisces, you’ve done what you can over the last year. Let go of what you feel about what did and didn’t happen. Building blocks at work can lead to more impact later. Mars in Pisces brings fresh energy to your mission over the next five weeks so get busy and do what you can.  You know, small things with great love.

Stars Over Kitsap | First Week in January 2015

Hi-ho, hi-ho, it’s off to work we go. Are you racing to get back to it? Or pulling the covers over your head? Either or both are possibilities given that the full moon arrives on a Sunday evening — 8:34 p.m. on Jan. 4 — as the festivities end and the world calls us to attendance.

This moon embodies the restlessness of a teenager stuck between too many emotions (moon in Cancer) and too many duties (sun in Capricorn).  Acting out is a no-go and playing hookey wins no rewards either.

Winter is a season that demands Capricornian maturity to survive. As we cross into the new year, the two-faced god Janus, who looks backwards and forward, demands we make hard adjustments. This moon cycle is about focused actions and security. How will we act so we are secure both emotionally and physically, and also on a personal and cultural level? Changes are needed, and we are at a crossroad where a new path must be chosen. Or another route, where wisdom blends with innovation?

In the midst of this moon’s restlessness, can you settle down and ponder adult questions of real accomplishments and emotional satisfaction?  What is your strategy for the new year? Winter’s long nights are designed for listening to the still, small voice of spirit directing our steps. If only we listen...


For the Jan. 4 full moon to the Jan. 20 new moon

Capricorn, what are you working so hard and ambitiously for? You begin reviewing your idealism and what exact dream you are pursuing. No rush, though, because this is a two-plus-year cycle.  Clarity brings more precise planning behind the scenes, and those details form success later.

Aquarius, energy gathers in your sector of self-hood so get out there and preen. What new groups will you delight in this year? A wide circle of far-seeing friends fan your winds of change. Be sure you are changing in the direction you want to go. Steady on!

Cancer, balancing between others and yourself can drain, or inspire you to show your sensitivity. Close friends and family can give you courage to be seen by all of us! Rise to the occasion and vitality returns. You begin a prolonged meditation on which chores promote security and which can be tossed.

Pisces, your new journey combines pragmatism and nebulousness — all in you! Imagination works for you as well as nose-grinding does for others. When you combine the two, castles in the air take amazing form  and work ceases to be a drudge. Meditation on one hand, and an action plan in the other, set you right.

Scorpio, the winter season has you dreaming about the faces of abundance. Where do you feel fenced in? Skills, space, finances, physical impairments? Whatever it is, step-by-step actions can make progress in expanding your domain. You are enjoying your place in the world. Where do you want to go from here?

Gemini, this month your study is the connection and resources of intimacy with others, not being dependent or independent, but inter-dependent. Trusting the right partner depends on playing your hunches. What do you feel in your gut? What vision do you two tread? You can not isolate yourself in endless networking. Deeper is better.

Libra, your chart lies deep in the home and personal issues area. You bounce as high into the world as your base is solid. Odd liaisons add spark and fun even as you remain cool and detached this winter season. Enjoy. The spring equinoxes lean heavily on the on-going lessons of relationships.

Taurus, your fortune lies out in the world and prospers as if it has a life of its own. But, even growth needs management whether in a garden or a business. Get what you can in writing and then get busy. You know you love this prospering, busy-ness stuff!

Virgo, your nervous system is high-strung and being played like a harp. Give yourself some TLC on the food and exercise front ... not too much or too little of either. Just ahead for you is a rebuilding of the family nest, positioning it as an optimal base for future expansion of mind and travel.

Leo, plodding Saturn and exuberant Jupiter are in a lovely dance but undecided about whether a high-kicking can-can, or an earthy clog is needed. Optimism and pessimism are two sides of one coin and your job is to balance the coin on its edge, or as the Buddhist say, seek the Middle Path.

Aries, seeking a grounded experience of a broader way is your challenge. Make it expansive enough to be inclusive of each one’s individualism and one that puts each one to work building a whole for us all. Sounds like the hard work of democracy and brotherhood born anew. Small order ... but you have energy to forge this path.

Sagittarius, your tendencies toward spontaneity, expansion and optimism are being honed and the next few years may feel like education by hard-knocks. These experiences teach you what you need to turn yourself into a teacher and visionary. Check out the TED talks on YouTube, that could be you!