Stars Over Kitsap: New Moon in Libra

The Dancers in the Mirror

                                      American Ballet Theat…

                                      American Ballet Theater

If you've been shopping lately, you know it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. But before we share the season of 'Peace on Earth', Libra sponsors a season where we can put our relationship with ourselves in order so we can dance a merry-dance on down the road.

Mercury finished his retrograde whirl returning with fresh insights on how we dance the dance of love. Dancing often takes place in a room with a mirror. Use the mirror and notice you both. Do you like what you see reflected there? Or are you disappointed that they see you 'this' way? Or that you see them 'that' way? The mirror reveals partners but, beware, there's tricky footwork here, and you can only manage your own feet.

The new moon (Monday, October 12, 5:05 PM) in Libra, the relationship expert, is a private affair. So take a deep breathe, and tell the truth. Do you love yourself? Really, truly, deeply? Can you bring compassion to those tender spots you work so hard to hide? You know the ones of hurt or shame we hope someone, someday will come along and love enough so those pains no longer hurt. Remember 'co-dependency' is not a happy dance.

Recently a friend told a story on herself. “I love people so much it hurts, but I don't love me.” Her illusion of a fairytale about her endlessly giving heart popped in her moment of truth and put her feet on a new path, one where she can take steps to love herself - so she can love others. Yep, get your footwork together and you can dance with anyone!

When we learn love's true lesson, we give love without thinking, and receive it, too. When relationships flow, we move together, being the love we are, receiving the love we want. Dancing becomes a love-fest, and we have a shot at 'Peace on Earth.'

Horoscope from October 12 – 27

Libra, you shine like a new penny after two years (!) of lessons about being yourself fully in relationships. Venus, the goddess of love, moves you to graceful, heart-felt acts toward true partners who's actions toward you feel good, too. Their actions don't feel good? Cut the cord. Bye-bye!

Scorpio, after intense networking, leave time for driftin' and dreamin' as you review last year. Look at it. put it in place and let it go. If you can't get enough autonomy at work, think about free-lancing or a job with less supervision. That's where networking and a few good friends come in.

Sagittarius, are you respected - or flip? If respected, positions for your leadership skills can pop-up. More responsibility demands more work. Growing up takes work, too, at any age, Now is the time to lean-in. Work on grounding dreams and learning new skills. You are building your future.

Capricorn, friends in high places open doors so reach out. Surely you've noticed that as hard as you work, there is magic afoot. Welcome the unseen world where aloneness could be 'all-one-ness.' You can trust the vastness of life and put down the burden. But first, you must ask.

Aquarius, practice being a steadfast friend because community includes you, too, you big doofus! Broadening your worldview and the meaning of life expands your pick of companions.

Spread ideas through writing, teaching or talking and find like-minded companions for more fun!

Pisces, the veils between the worlds are always thin for you. Life and death catches your attention, but don't get lost or give your power to anything on either side of the veil. Transform, heal and let the cycle renew. If it's too heavy, or too fuzzy, rely on your closest loved ones for balance.

Aries, arguments on the job, or prestige-seeking without putting in the work doesn't work! Details count more than ever so hunker down. Partners are not merely there to support your whims. Learning to work, and love, with others is a life lesson for you. Just be you and do your share.

Taurus, working well with others is guaranteed and moves work into fast-forward. Throw in focused, detailed creativity and this month could set you apart with an A+. Don't get too crazy on the after hours scene where you could lose track of reality and call it romance. It may be, but go slow.

Geminis just wanna have fun. Gather friends and party! Art walks, jazz festivals, be seen with the beautiful people. Details at home pile up and the to-do-list gets longer so enjoy your escape time and play. Pay attention, though. Mercury may have re-arranged your friends into different line up.

Cancer, it hardly gets better than friends, family and home. You could pay back all your social obligations this month alone and it will seem like play. The eccentric at work could be a problem but send him home early - or leave early yourself, run errands and go cozy around the hearth.

Leo, what happened? You're alone for the first time in a year, and what a year it's been. Jupiter and Venus moved to work detail in Virgo-land. Sort out financial details, take some classes, write a journal – and land last year's experience so you can use it as you move ahead. Good job!

Virgo, a party is happening in your personality. It looks like a case of Sybil, with parts of your psyche emerging for all to see - including you. Who knew! Claim yourself - your skills, talents, money, friends, and connections. Only equal partners who can keep up need apply. Wow!

Stars Above Kitsap: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse - Libra

Super Moon Lunar Eclipse - First of Tetrad

Super Moon Lunar Eclipse - First of Tetrad

You Tarzan. Me Jane.

Rhett has Scarlett. The Lone Ranger travels with Tonto. Beauty tames the Beast. Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton acted out their passion for all the world to see. Sonny and Cher said it all in “The beat goes one.” It's the eternal dance between men and women. Active and receptive. Outer and inner. Aries and Libra.

Any ballerina will tell you the work that goes into achieving the moment of balance on a toe shoe. She makes it look easy, but for all the focus, the balance point lasts a mere moment, as she passes through it, and begins her fall to earth. If you've managed any balance in any area of your life, you know the blood, sweat and tears required!

Aries' and Libras' Equinoxes begin with on perfectly balanced point. Monthly full moons bring another balance between the male sun, and the feminine moon. One single moment in the month we attempt the still-point, and go a little luna-tic with full moon madness. Or is that excitement at having achieved the balance for even one brief moment?

Throw in a Lunar Eclipse at the Full Moon (Sept. 27 at 7:50 PM) and a Super Moon to boot (26,000 miles closer to earth than usual) and the idea of a balance point gets even more of a boost. As if those aren't enough indicators, Mercury, the communication god, retrograde in Libra, demands we rethink, revise and review our relationships. Clue: the ones that don't work this month, probably just don't work!

How is the harmony between your inner life and the world? How balanced are you between initiating action and receiving it? Do you give too much or take too much concerning your spouse and closest friends? Do your partnerships match with your values and purpose in life?

This is the moment when we focus on balance and relationships, inner and outer. Then it is back to Mickey and Minnie, Bella and Edward. You Tarzan. Me Jane.

HOROSCOPES Sept 26 – Oct 12

Dear Libra, we see your beauty, but the stress and strain of an eternal focus on balance weighs heavy. Cosmic advice is to give from your heart and pass on social nicety, give up giving too much! Review what others bring to you. Are they doing their part? No? Prune, for beauty's sake.

Scorpio, balance practical and ethereal needs. Let spirit guide you which means a little quiet, meditative time is in order. Let the answers come to you. Networking opportunities abound. Pursue the ones you want and let others fall like autumn leaves. Take your moment on the stage and bow!

Sagittarius, groups need your creative view but not to carry out your mission. Pragmatic, practical visions and serious, get-down-to-business actions are the way. You carry authority but must work for the respect. Blunt opinions ignoring feelings have a boomerang effect. Tape this to your wall.

Capricorn, yes, life is political-every time you act or speak. Do so wisely. Work is your be-all but even you, dear Goat, need family and nest. Don't take too much at home and give too much at work. After the last five years, surely you can trust the unseen world to hold and support you.

Aquarius, balance broad philosophy and personal opinions - which could be edgy as you rein in too many groups, people, ideas. Ground thoughts with pencil in hand. Idealism, the right group and steady friends are the ticket. Deep intimacy wants you out of your head and into the... You get it!

Pisces, you are worth it, and emotionally need support for who you are and how you do it. Do NOT give away your power even to a soul-mate. Meditate on the Pope or the Dalai Lama. They too work in the spiritual world but you wouldn't call them woo-woo or powerless. Let it work through you.

Aries, do you feel whiny about not getting 'enough?' That's a clue to balance give-and-take - not to gallop off into the sunset. New image: soldiers helping after Katrina or Haiti – not an aggressive stance but one that takes courage. Like tackling the pile of details at work! Get busy!

Taurus, pleeazzee, take it down a notch. Sit, stay, be quiet. Listen to your body. Even your steadfast little bull can only take so much. The new Venus cycle is about play and fun around home and family. You don't have to be the river boat gambler or Don Juan - just chill.

Gemini, network but pick fun groups who love your dynamic mind. Close friends bright enough to keep up with you add spice to movies, lectures, conferences and other venues with diverse food for the mind. At home, details. Be out with focused purpose looking for new horizons.

Cancer, go home, little Crab, re-center. Puttering time helps you feel the beat of the masses, which move like the tide, day in and out, subtle shifts and changes. What are they responding to, what's the next 'thing?' You arrive back at work with important information for the team. This is your forte.

Leo, daily errands, clerks, bros and sisters, talking, chatting, disseminating info, teaching, public appearances,'s a rush! Personal appearance counts - can't show up dressed like a fairy if you have Lady Macbeth ambitions. Use your radiance with purpose and shine!

Virgo, what's yours, what's mine, what is ours together? You have charisma and energy so don't bowl your financial/emotional partner over on your way to executing the plan. Some sit and stay quiet time lets you receive instructions for proceeding with grace without giving power away.