O Stars Above: Sagittarius New Moon

Cosmic Energy Expands Personal Consciousness


This is a heavy new moon, literally! It sits exactly on the Galactic Center, a black hole that energizes our entire Milky Way through the dynamic, explosive actions of creation and destruction. Its gravitational density holds the Milky Way together and sends energetic, sub-atomic particles throughout space, our charts and our very consciousness!

This is BIG energy - Sagittarian-style. The question is: how are we going to use it?

The new moon (December 17 at 10:30 pm PST) hosts a multi-faceted party. Mercury re-trograde makes three passes over the galactic center as we re-view, re-consider and release small-minded beliefs and perceptions.

Venus holds the door wide open for broad-mindedness and world-wide sociability.

The Sun in Sagittarius quests for truth and its ruler Jupiter in Scorpio helps his willingness to release Pollyanna surface views for deeper truths. The Moon in Sagittarius senses that the world is safer when all people are free to pursue their dreams. Uranus cheers for innovative thoughts while Chiron and Neptune rally for empathetic healing around misguided religious thoughts.

Sagittarians are kings of the ivory tower whose ideas can pop and fizzle before translating into the real world. But, reality-based Saturn spent over two years tidying up Sadge's tendency for high falutin', excessive action. He's urged us to get solid education towards future endeavors or exposure to people and issues that make us huddle in smallness.

Whatever you accomplished during this time, you earned it (congrats!) and it comes more into play when Saturn moves into its home sign, Capricorn, (December 21) where rolling up your sleeves and getting to work comes naturally.

The Galactic Center is the Heart of the Universe and Sagittarius points his arrow directly at it. The cosmic winds are with us. Let go of fear-based thoughts, words and deeds and move into an expanded, inclusive, personal world consciousness to fly free on Sadge's arrow.

No one said peace on earth was easy. Or someone else's job.

Horoscopes December 17 – January 1

Sagittarius, you worked hard the last few years. Feel how you are facing the world differently and doors are opening as they recognize your solid presence. Self-discovery and new beginnings swing into view. Stay humble and lean into manifesting ideals, leadership and healthy competition.

Capricorn, sitting quietly in the dark winter evenings brings spiritual healing and a new sense of compassion. Much is stirring in your depths and an almost mystical sense of your work ahead takes form. Ambition without ethics and working for the common good is a cold and lonely perch.

Aquarius, birds of a feather flock together. Get with the right group, network with the right people. Broaden your humanitarian vision. This is not a time for thinking or acting small in anyway. But remember humility keeps you from shooting yourself in the foot at work.

Pisces, the sky is the limit. At work ask for what you want - and then some. Get on projects with big missions. Take risks. You've gone deep, now fly high and ride that arrow as far as you can go. No sacrifice. If anything, sacrifice ideas about sacrifice and really set yourself free.

Aries, your quest is for a connection with visionary action. Working behind the scenes with partners in joint endeavors keeps your arrow pointed in the right direction. You have a sixth sense about motivations and hidden agendas. Keep your own integrity and ethics high.

Taurus, it's so easy for you to let go of old baggage now. You have the faith to go where angels fear to tread and when you do, you find friends with common values working on similar goals. Cheer them on and receive their support. Can you say Win-win? It's a great time for mate-hunting!

Gemini, so, like, how many “best” friends do you have? This may be a time for selective pruning. Here's the clue - if they aren't there when you really, really need them, they are acquaintances. Also, too many best friends, and you can't be there for them. None? What's that about?

Cancer, pesky health habits. Too much of a good thing can be - excess weight and attendant health issues. If you've organized everything around you, yahoo! If not, clean the top layer and drop the rest into a black bag and haul to the curb. You mingle while serving the season in the background.

Leo, this excessive Sadge energy has you all up in a pirouette remembering your solar eclipse in August. It's all about you right now, and darn, if you aren't flying high feeling creative, self-expressive, and like playing, having fun and all that jazz. No problem! Go for it!! You ARE a Star!

Virgo, deck the hall and be festive. Party heart-y with your clans and the neighbor's too. Feel your natural expansion. It's why you have to-do lists, because at your roots, you are an inclusive, broad-minded human. Do the reel, the clog, the fandango, maybe some Bollywood.

Libra, take the Holidays to your neighborhood. Call on the curmudgeon next door, the teacher, the hairdresser, your barista, the dog-walker, doctor, lawyer, baker and Indian-chef. Take cookies, poinsettias, fudge, small books, candles, whatever. You are the Spirit-of-Christmas in your 'hood!

Scorpio, even you (are you, perhaps, the curmudgeon next door?) is up for the social hubbub. It makes you feel – valuable! Like you can fly with the eagles, like you have something to offer to the vision of the group. Like life isn't all depth and dark. Ah, yes, the season of light! Look at you all a twinkle.







O Stars Above: Gemini Full Moon


Moon-Walking Backwards, Full Moon and Holiday Hysterics – Oh My!

Winter's Full Moon

Once you've gone as deep as you can go, you want to go as high as you can fly. Such is the pendulum swing from Scorpio to Sagittarius. Sagittarius begins the Holiday Season with its perfect expression -thanks giving - all about that gratitude, abundance, expansion and lightness of being!

Scorpio may guide us through the dark but fiery Sagittarius says, in the dark, WE will be the Light! Bring out the candles and holiday trees lit with twinkling strings of light, hope and faith. 'Tis the joyous season.

The full moon (December 3 at 7:46 am PST) of Gemini, the most logical of signs, arrives with Mercury moon-walking backwards for three weeks (December 2-22). Oh, yea! Mercury, the emotional moon's ruler, struts retrograde right through the middle of holiday hysteria. Crank up the drama, folks!

Wise women will rush to get as much holiday errands and on-line shopping out of the way POST-HASTE! Stock the freezer and pantry, buy and hide the gifts and be ready to implement Plan B, or C (or M) at a moment's notice. If we can only remember that flexibility and humor can see us through many muddles ahead.

Even the Galactic Center of our universe gets into the action. It's gigantic black hole that gobbles up whatever comes near. So toss in our regrets, sins, crimes and misdemeanors released in Scorpio and let us fly free. Magical and addictive Neptune ushers in a spiritual advent season that prepares us for the Light of Consciousness to be reborn in our spacious hearts. Go for the magical and watch the booze. It's extra woozy this year!

Until then the tone of this celebratory month is to eat, drink, spend and be merry as we celebrate the coming of Light – in us, to us and through us - at Winter Solstice.

Horoscope December 3 – 17

Sagittarius, jump back, Jack, doors of opportunity are springing open for you. Receive with a grateful heart. The last two years worked you hard. What comes your way now, you earned. Rework details that appear as new territory is plowed. Pay attention to your impatient partner.

Capricorn, changes and more changes but you've cleared the decks. Heed the magical promptings of your heart. Strategies come into focus soon. Tend to relationships with work colleagues. Let them know you care. Notice any fixated ideas and rework them. Pay attention to your health.

Aquarius, get out and rub shoulders. Party like a child at play. In fact, go play with your children and give-up making headway for the moment. This is a different kind of work. Finding your network and the work that makes you feel alive and young. You're in new territory!

Pisces fly high! All the way out to the Galactic Center, but remember to phone home. It's heads in the clouds and feet on the ground time. Tend to your roots, your home, your family. Clear out, clean out, talk to the elders. Meanwhile, work is a conudrum – fun but stalled so tie up loose ends.

Aries, lean into your relationship. You can't just make cameo appearances and expect magic there. A real get-away with your honey - yes, yes, it's the holidays but don't let that get in the way of a Christmas Miracle with your babe!! Talking, playing together, it helps you find yourself!

Taurus, this season is about sharing you and realizing relationships take investments of all kinds, energy, money, yes. But most valuable of all is sharing yourself and sharing experiences. Make time for bonding and building memories. Invest in you and them. It's the gold of life.

Gemini, friends are knocking on your door. They want to know you better and funny, as they get to know you, you come to know yourself better. Let them in. Let logic dwindle and magic happen. You are ready for something more than ordinary and easy. Rewrite your relationship story.

Cancer, your everyday schedule is loaded but your heart and soul needs, wants, must find the peace and quiet of the season. Lighten your load because Mercury is not your friend in its retrograde. You are looking for a more expansive box. Changed perceptions help you rewrite visions for yourself.

Leo, party, glitter and glow. Touch base with everyone you know. This season brings out the showy, creative sparkle in you so don't miss an opportunity to show up. You never know who you will meet. The summer eclipses re-ignited your sense of yourself these days, so anything is possible.

Virgo, work, home and a refreshed romantic twinkle with your honey makes the Holidays merry, bright. Mercury retrograde puts you behind the control curve and you hate that. It's okay, Mercury is just messing with you so lighten up, laugh and find the magic.

Libra, it's a heady mix of inspiration and everyday routines. Notice the exotic, far-out and unexpected in your own neighborhood. Visit the specialty grocery. Talk to the man standing outside his shop. Mix it up right where you are. Fabulous! Go after your wildest desires and expect magic!

Scorpio, invest in your self, invest in your partner and sit tight. You know something is coming. You can feel it – like a car driving in your blind spot. You have a year of golden opportunities, so yes it's coming. Be sure to pick the golden ticket that fits your most far-out hopes and dreams. Oh, yea!



O Stars Above: Scorpio New Moon

An Abundance of Dark Brings Light


The new moon brings the darkest time of the month and the sun in Scorpio is one of the darkest months of the year. A breath prior to the new moon, the dark of the moon holds a review. What do we want to leave behind and what did we learn that we want to move forward. In another breath, the New Moon arrives and we peer ahead planting new seeds of intention for our future. Emphasising the theme of darkness, the Scorpio New Moon (Nov 18, 3:42 am PST) arrives in the deep dark of the night. What's with all this dark!?!

“Dark,” “night,” and the “water” of Scorpio are metaphors for our interior world. It's time to dig deep into the closet of our emotional life, especially with Jupiter's arrival into watery Scorpio after a twelve years absence. She's accompanied by Venus in Scorpio and brings a torch of faith and optimism to assist in our inner sortings. Treasures we had long buried, such as the tool or skill we are accused of possessing - but can't see in ourselves - may come to the light of Self-consciousness. (Who me? Courage?) Personal baggage, like our bogey-man, isn't scary any more and so we let go.

Leaves dropping off a tree uncover parasites such as ivy, or insects overtaking the tree, dooming it's future. Pruning needs and signs of missing nutrients show up and we can see the stark beauty of the tree's structure. Scorpio energy strips us down to bare essence, too, revealing where we need to lose the fluff and let the beauty of our core shine through. Slowly, we release what we don't need make to room for activities, people, and adventures that regenerate our zest for life. It's the coming year's work but worth the effort as our best selves come forward naturally.

Whatever obstacles you find this fall that separates you from your essential self is a peek into the inner maintenance needed for your future. They say, “Winter is coming!” Scorpio, in the midst of darkness, responds, “Spring will return.”

Horoscopes November 18 - December 3

Scorpio, you're in for new realization in how you present yourself and whether it results in opportunities you want. Re-invent yourself aligned with inner passions to bring excellent results.

Unconscious restlessness around relationships make you your own worst enemy.

Sagittarius, it's an embarrassment (literally) of riches in realizing how you undermine yourself. Negative self-talk, dwelling on the negative in the situation? Maybe, but what about the issue of pushing your good away? Fairies and angels - okay, good helpers - show you corrections.

Capricorn, it might surprise you how much your friends support and promote you. If they aren't, an editing of friends or groups is at hand. Go where you are naturally accepted and can be yourself. Ask for help if needed - come on, it's only fair - you'd help them. In fact, you have!

Aquarius, if you aren't doing the work that fulfills you, shake your web for an abundance of possibilities and people to open doors for you. Move yourself into work where you feel passion and energy return. It may be stepping up right where you are. Make it so.

Pisces, being stable doesn't mean quit exploring new possibilities, discoveries and adventures. Trust your higher Self to guide you out of your comfort zone. Pay attention when it feels right. Routine is great but inspiration lifts you up high enough to remember what you do and why.

Aries, aligning with partners doesn't mean taking over what's theirs whether it's belongings or the work only they can do for themselves. Interestingly, what you want to save them from may be the very thing you need to save yourself from. Own it, hot dog!

Taurus, the dark brings light to your closest relationships. Are they supporting you as much as you support them? Are you an equal partner? If it's out of balance, it shows up now and some may need to be cut free. Healthy and mutually beneficial ties are blessed.

Gemini, it's truth time for how well you are taking care of yourself. Over-commitment needs to stop, saying no needs to step up, and slowing down lets you catch up on duties and obligations you're sidestepping altogether. Your health talks to you. Your partner talks to you. Are you listening?

Cancer, fun and games take stage-center reminding you fun is an essential life ingredient. But, too much of a good thing can be a procrastination. Too much of the wrong thing can be endeadening! Be sure play time truly re-creates your joie-de-vive! Also...call your kids.

Leo, this month stresses the parts of you and your relationships that the August eclipses ignited. Family gives you roots but if you're too attached or responsive to them, you miss opportunities for growth. Have faith and reach up while putting roots down deep.

Virgo, speak up. This is no time for quietly planning, time-lines and to-do lists. Let everyone know what you are up to and get the family's buy-in. Get daily routines in order so you can get down to the business of being you. Support the lifestyle, the people and activities you want.

Libra, drop the baggage of what you no longer value whether it is a possession, a task, a skill, or an obligation. Let go of the fluffy-looks-good-stuff-but-I-have-to-dust-it and free up time and energy so you can fly. Get current with your values and live them.

O Stars Above: Taurus Full Moon


Hobgoblins and the Forest of our Childhoods


The Scorpio time of year brings us to the land of hobgoblins and ghosts where the veil between worlds is thin. Still, the full moon (November 3 at 10:22 pm PDT) shines in pragmatic Taurus, a sign grounded in nature, our five senses, comfort and security, (as in money, honey) with no time for childish fairy tales about things that go bump in the night.

Any good counselor can tell you, though, that even Taurus' have goosebumps that come from deep inside where childhood fears arise like ghosts in nightmares. Once upon a time we were little and powerless and we sought comfort through others - who had total power over us. See? Relationships have been a love/hate story from our beginning!

Childish fears bubble to the surface in intimate relationships. Both Scorpio and Taurus desire emotional and financial security. To get that sense of safety, we engage in inner and outer power struggles while longing to merge with another completely, totally. Boundaries blur and uncertainty, envy, jealousy and outright possessiveness can raise their demonic heads. What's mine is mine. What's yours is mine. And since you bring me comfort and security, you are mine, too!

These two signs can dig into their comfort zones and hang on until a murder of crows roosts in a spooky tree. Taurus is the financial genius: real estate, investments, and personal property. Scorpio deals with money, too, but in conjunction with partners. If those partners' values aren't aligned, well, good people can go berserk over money issues when the relationship ends.

This pragmatic Taurus moon brings us back to reality, simplicity and practicalities. Don't over react to issues of the moment. We're all beginning an emotional journey into the forest of our childhoods this year, so go slowly and feel deeply. Be kind to each other. Intuition bonds us a bit more with our beloveds as long as we value relationship over our childish patterns.

Do your inner work and love flourishes inside and out. Don't do it and there you are – stuck in the day of the dead and flopping around like the headless horseman!

Horoscopes November 3 – 18

Scorpio, trick or treat? You aren't sure yet. Jupiter newly arrived in Scorpio shifts your normal tendency to stay in the shadows. Opportunities abound when deeply held values lead you. Seek (or soothe) partnerships. Talk about values and listen to them.

Sagittarius, focus on your real partners. You know who they are because they carry some of the weight. Plod along with work mates. With two years of solid growth behind you, don't fumble the ball in the end zone. Make your two minute game shine!

Capricorn, actively seek partners at work. Make them yours through fun away from the cubicles. Jupiter's arrival in Scorpio widens your sphere of influence with powerful players on the field. Ask for help as needed. Really! Keep releasing what doesn't work.

Aquarius, part of your current focus is being grounded and keeping it simple behind the scene. Work it, baby. In fact, you have several years of practice ahead. Let partners be the wind beneath your wings. At home, deal with realities while enjoying the comforts of your castle.

Pisces, the more solid your base, the more you can fly. Bring neighbors, brothers and sister into your magical world and help them lift off, too. Beneficial teachers and exotic friends help you expand your horizons. It's a good time to seek partners with funding.

Aries, if you are secure within yourself, seek partners and build memories with them. The powers behind the scenes notice your work. Pay attention and demonstrate what a great leader you can be. If you aren't secure with yourself? Well, don't be the headless horseman.

Taurus, you bring a grounded, placid aura and with everyone's nerves frayed these days, you're a welcomed presence. Partners mirror issues you must undertake in this year's trip into the gnarly forests of our childhood. Do your work (yes, you!) and be calm.

Gemini, friends are your vehicle of self-discovery. Often overly logical, this moon shows you where you are your own worst enemy. Daily life is about to shift into overdrive. Don't take on more than you can handle. Otherwise, your body might talk to you in a psycho-somatic way.

Cancer, the calmer the friend and easier the event, the more you want to participate. Fun is the key and you are ready to join the party. Fill your home with true, equal, collaborative and creative friends. Gentleness and harmony nourish your roots.

Leo, how fulfilling is your work? Change is hard but work takes up a lot of life. Don't let anything stand between you and your passions. Let go of the past and the present if your future lies elsewhere. Strengthen your roots to reach the sky in your career.

Virgo, try something out of your comfort zone. Talk therapy can help – even with a friend. Explore blocks to expanding your belief systems, sense of adventure and feelings of hope. Research some, but don't talk yourself out of taking action. Step into growth.

Libra, own your stuff - and not theirs. Do your work - and not theirs. As you're clearer about who you are, relationships become less stressful. Relate (and respond) to yourself first. Are you presenting yourself in ways that get you where you want to go?







O Stars Above: Libra New Moon


Plots as Endless as Time

Romantic movies make us laugh because we know where the lovers are headed from the opening scene. Why? Because we've been there! They want love and will battle themselves and each other to reach the sigh of contentment found in the kiss in the closing scene.

Okay, we don't know exactly how our cinematic lovers will get to the big kiss. Heaven knows, the plots are as endless as time. Will one lover see the dewy-eyed friend standing right there? Will the lovers, like Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn, dislike each other at first sight and fight all the way to happily ever after? Maybe the lovers look like the ideal match because they are exactly alike but the romance still turns into a disaster - until the odd ball who is not at all like them shows kindness and wins the kiss.

However it happens, this is the quintessential Libran urge and the new moon (Oct 19, 12:11 pm PDT) re-awakes our need to love and be loved – which is our greatest vehicle of self-discovery. With Jupiter moving into Scorpio, the longing to merge with another runs deep. This year could find us feeling optimistic enough to break deep patterns so we can fly to the far horizons of love.

Venus, goddess of relationships, has a wicked sense of humor. Or does she? After all, as the expert she knows the path to love is fraught with peril. Teamed up with Uranus, the Trickster, they dare us to break through old rejection and abandonment issues and risk all for a higher understanding of love. Venus holds steady the mirror so we can see ourselves projecting onto the other. What? I need to dismantle my own protective patterns to claim love and partnership.

Yep, the reason we love romantic comedies is we're laughing at ourselves. Relationships can look like a battle between the sexes. But we know deep down, each of us is engaged in a battle to love ourselves as much as we want to be loved. Surprise! It's an inside job.

Horoscopes October 19- November 3

Libra, it takes courage to be yourself in a relationship. Surprise yourself by using your graceful diplomacy to speak up for yourself in the relationship. Be on your side. Fence-sitting, eye-rolling, and people-pleasing are sure-fired mine fields that take relationships down.

Scorpio, Jupiter checks in after twelve years bringing new faith and optimism for your urge to merge. Doors open for you. To go through the right ones your best strategy is emotional transparency. Take time to ruminate about how you connect. It's your blind spot.

Sagittarius, you may feel like you are wearing body armor, pinched in with no room to roam. Focus on your network and get out there. Far and wide is not just an outer adventure. The inner world is huge, too, and takes faith to explore.

Capricorn, work partnerships are there for you so be sure you are there for them. Some projects move slowly because of behind the scene details. The new game is about who you know so get out there, hand out business cards and look for power players – like you – who keep it real.

Aquarius, stay connected to high-powered players and partners already aligned with your most optimistic, but realistic visions. The game is changing. Focus on reality and details. Work demands strategic thinking to open the way. Good ideas are not enough for the current climate.

Pisces, with the wind beneath your wings, take the highest view you can and think deeply about strategies for execution. Align with partners who share your values. Inspiration comes in odd ways. Idealizing, romanticising, and woo-woo thinking are addictions. Stay grounded.

Aries, you made headway around partnerships this last year. Keep it going. Send flowers, chocolates, make date nights regular events. Remember you scored points, discovered how fun partners can be, and how much more you get done. Some may help with financing ventures together.

Taurus, your best partners are pragmatic and work oriented. But, YOU need to make an effort to connect beyond work. Cameo appearances leave you lonely at night. It's time to apply strategic thinking to how you are going to fulfill your growing urge to merge. Invest in a partner!

Gemini, okay, butterfly-spirits, get out and play. Fill your calendar with diverse entertainment, gal-pals and re-create yourself. It's time to rework work and daily routines. If your body is talking to you listen. Lighten your daily load so you can open up to new opportunities.

Cancer, call the clan home. Maybe there are autumn chores for them to do, but a family dinner afterwards is just what everyone needed. Children, fun and creativity get a lift this year and fill your heart and soul like nothing else. Plan on fun. Stamp everything with your style.

Leo, the summer eclipse comes home to your hearth. Your golden heart needs relationships to shine your love on AND keep it open. Be sure companions can keep up with your ability to go psychologically deep. Inner work is easy, but while down there, find your goodness, too.

Virgo, stay focused until a few more details are finished. Acknowledge your good work. The to-do list can be a bit much but you're seeing the fruits of your labor - so celebrate YOUR harvest! It's time to let the day-to-day flow and establish deeper priorities.