Stars Over Kitsap | Fourth Week in July 2014

With sunshine, sunflowers and 76 Trombones, the dark of the new moon in Leo starting on July 26 is unlikely to be quiet as it embraces Jupiter in Leo. Think fairy godmother, Santa Claus, the Super Bowl Seahawks and Lady Gaga rolled into one, visiting for the first time in 12 years. Oh, my!

Leo cheers us on to be creative, courageous and heartfelt. It’s time to ask: What do I want — really, really want — to express authentic me from my heart’s center?

But when the sun shines, it creates a shadow. On the shadow side of Leo looms as self-dramatizing and arrogant. If you catch yourself on the dark side, drop the drama. Dare to live your true, undramatic life.

We all have Leo in us somewhere, and a year ahead learning to let our little light shine. Which will it be? A true heart-light or a dramatic spotlight?

Leo, it’s your birthday! You need a party. Call friends, family, everyone to gather — maybe at the new Port Gamble General Store’s deck — to toast you. This year horizons will widen and doors open for you. Mars in Scorpio guides you to a true path, not just a showy one.

Scorpios are not showy people, so all this Leo hubbub is ... unnatural. Mars moves to join Saturn to focus your life’s direction. The strain between Scorpio and Leo is deciding whether to know or to show. You need to know for yourself, Scorpio, but if applause comes, step into the light and take a bow.

Aquarians are working through personal issues, a journey that is more than an intellectual exercise. Let go of what doesn’t serve you anymore. Don’t think about it, just do it. Start by owning up to your personal needs and desires before you give them up for the group. After all, you are on stage — it is the dawning of the age of Aquarius!

Virgos are working on bringing spirituality down to a pragmatic, earthy level while extending compassionate care for themselves. Jupiter lightens your load — ask for help from the Elders and the Angels!

Libra is still feeling the restructure of the grand cross, a source of tension. But with Mars moving out of Libra after eight months (so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodnight) you are taking action. Go forth and be you. We’ll be fine and we’ll be here when you return.

Aries broke a wild cha-cha some time ago, but the next six months slows you down to a waltz. This new moon and Mars lightens the energy, but there is a lot of push-pull here. Exercise can help release energy without an explosion.

Geminis have a Finger of God (or is that the Fickle Finger of Fate?) aspect asking you to get to the point! If you only had one song to sing, what would it be? Once you figure it out, you may need new skills to be a power player. We’ll find you socializing at garden teas, beach parties, brunches, etc. this month. Leo and Gemini are our teachers in fun and discovery!

Venus and Mercury are holding the fort, reminding Cancers they are totally supported as they proceed with their self-nurturing action plan. Really, we want you to be happy too. Mothering values may give way to some well-deserved leisure which can lead to a more specific idea of self care.

Hi-ho, hi-ho, it’s off to work we go. Taurus, you have been working in the coal mine but making progress as you dig out old values. Quiet and steady could be your creative contribution as you sort through what is true for you and what was for the sake of your neighbors, the Joneses. Mars can cut through what you don’t care about, you know, conspicuous consumption.

Sagittarians, all I can hear right now is “Climb Every Mountain” with your ruler Jupiter in a fire sign and Uranus egging you on. It’s all good but pack some softer feelings and curb your blunt tongue. You may have some making up to do for past insensitivities. Still, who doesn’t want to love Maria?

Dear Capricorns, I am one of you. I know it is easy for Cappies to run corporations, governments and institutions with our organizational skills and ambitions. But, Pluto in Capricorn brings to light where greed overtook our collective endeavors. There are costs beyond the bottom line. For now, get some rest and perspective. Later, you can lead us into a new reality of building kinder, gentler institutions.

Pisces, the Age of Pisces, is barely behind us where sacrificing self for the whole was the modus operandi. The Age of Aquarius is about every single person shining for the good of the whole. Pisces are leading us to know in our very bones that spirit is in the light and we can trust the flow.  And, by the way, Pisces, you can trust your need for applause.