O Stars Above: Gemini New Moon

Tell A New Story. Sing A New Song

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Gemini, the first air sign, can come in talking up a storm: excited, curious, learning, teaching - but mainly talking. This month's new moon in Gemini (June 13 at 12:43 pm PDT) reminds us that communication needs both a talker and a listener with an emphasis on tenderness. It asks each of us to practice sending and/or receiving our conversations with greater gentleness. Gemini's ruler, Mercury, currently travels through the first water sign, Cancer, were emotions run personal and reactive from a well of memories.

Venus of love and harmony travels in Cancer, too, intensifying emotional sensitivity. Later in the month, Mercury runs headlong into first, Saturn who is concerned with realities and limitations and then, Pluto who loves power. These two are tough cookies, indeed, and opportunities for defensive, reactions run high. But with the chart's helpful set up and a gentle, persistent touch, we could learn that even cowboys cry!

Yep, whether we are cowboys or just general hard-a**es, everyone of us “survived” childhood. Cancer energy takes us back, not to memories of childhood fun, but to when we were out of control of our day-to-day destiny and lived in a stew of emotions which had to be squelched so we could follow instructions from god-like parents. Eat your spinach! (Yech!) Go to bed now. (But I want to watch the lightening bugs in the jar.) Get up now. (Wait? What?! I was asleep!)

All of which is to say, this is a month that wanders down our conscious and unconscious but deeply felt memory lane. Along with our fellow humans, since this is a cosmic lesson, we are sure to encounter scars, wounds, tensions, anxieties, shadows, monsters and...tigers and bears, oh, my!

We may also discover how we have become like those god-like figures who didn't want to listen to us. Which brings up the question of who in our lives are we ignoring? (Ouch!) We may discover how much energy it takes to keep people, the people we care about the most, away from our scars - depriving us and them of the nurturing and tenderness our hearts longs for.

The month may bring a trip down memory lane, but the universe assigns us helpers. Work with these cosmic allies and see where the call for growth leads. (Spoiler alert - for adult ears only. This is the prelude to eclipse season where issues that tripped us up nineteen years ago are found alive and well on memory lane, too.)

A harmonic relationship between Saturn, lord of boundaries, and Uranus the liberator, in the earthy signs of Capricorn and Taurus lends a helping hand. Their earth elements temper their differences and give them a chance to find common ground. The Saturn in us recognizes that we are the adults now. By using Gemini's energy to hone skillful, tender talks with our dear ones, we could help ourselves, and others, move out of old, stifling stories to the fresh air of Uranus' freedom.

As exciting as these possibilities are five of ten planets in retrograde grant us breathing room. Many aspects of our psyche, as represented by the planets, need reworked as stagnant waters begin to flow. Action comes later in the year. So relax and imagine your broadening horizons. Feel and talk together about the freedom from childhood wounds. Reclaim the energy spent in protecting emotional scars and remember healing simply means moving into the wholeness of who you are.

Talk a new story, sing a new song. Brave new worlds beckon.

Horoscopes June 13 – 27

Gemini, truly, new worlds beckon. This is a season of bringing the conscious and unconscious, inner and outer, active and receptive, old and new together. No experience or conversation is useless. At some time, all find their place and you are seeing the bigger picture? Why? You are loving yourself!

Cancer, reach out to others and speak only of love and you'll catch Mercury and Venus' lesson and blessing. Private time out of the spotlight nourishes you until Solstice (June 21). Lounging in the sun, bubble baths, daydreaming and nature bring energy for starting a new year next month.

Leo, take your sunny self out to gatherings, associations meetings, parties and all manner of functions where you can network. It's work, okay, not really for you, but it is work-related. Remember your goals and the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon. Someone knows someone - who can open a door for you.

Virgo, sometimes a little warm chatter reveals the key to the problem. Stroll down to the cafeteria, water cooler, copy machine and talk – you never know what they know until you talk. Emotions count even in business, so warm up to others and they'll warm up to you. Fuzzy it up!

Libra, you are in the spotlight as you take your airy philosophy, give it warmth and make the office feel like a place everyone wants to be. Kind, human connections bring out the best in everyone no matter how matter-of-fact work is. Heart-felt courtesy works miracles and you know how to do it!

Scorpio, tenderness is rarely linked with you, the second water sign, but you feel Cancer's

depths. You often hunt in the depths, carefully, gently, prying into family secrets and taboos. Mars in Aquarius is on a scientific expedition in your home and family sector. Expect a long visit, so go easy.

Sagittarius, search for the secret of how you shoot yourself in the foot. Is it relationships themselves or how you blurt out or expose “truth?” Intimacy comes with implied care and concern for your partner's emotions. This is a month to learn from your them and keep a low profile. Speak sweetly.

Capricorn, in esoteric astrology, you are the high priestess, listening with your heart. You structure your world from the inside out. Remembering this works especially well in relationships now and gives you a new skill for listening and talking to colleagues. True power is softer than you think.

Aquarius, move with vim and vigor but June 26, Mars in Aquarius goes retrograde. Action turned inward, perhaps to watch your passions and desires and how you go about them. Turn your caring for others toward colleagues. When they see you care, they care. It's almost like Utopia.

Pisces, go home and hang out this month. Family talk, creative talk, children, games, being yourself and being with family – what else is there? The shifting water trine offers self-care, self-knowledge and forgiveness for where you've failed. Take time to let it do its work. Art, anyone?

Aries, living with a centaur (Chiron) in the house is only slightly less disruptive as having Uranus the lightening god in your sign. Talk about what's it like being a type-A when you're home with siblings, parents, spouse and your children. How do you help them feel safe enough to be who they are?

Taurus, you begin hosting the lightening god in your sign for eight years. You will change as you ground his awesome energy and break free into being your Self at the same time. First, you must catch up on what your true values are and soften your tone so those dear can hear your heart.

O Stars Above: Sagittarius Full Moon


Hi, Star Gazers,
I invited Aubrey Perkins, a millennial astrologer, to be our guest columnist and write the Forecast for this Full Moon. I hope you enjoy her dynamic view on the morning's full moon and her playful writing style as much as I did. Thanks, Aubrey.


As Gemini season moves through, you may find yourself quite literally distracted by butterflies - reflecting on chaos theory and the butterfly effect. You’re pondering what the cause and effect of a butterfly flapping its wings may be and if it could have a profound effect on the future. You gather your friends and theorize. You google search to see what scientists have written on the subject. You subsequently fall into a wikipedia wormhole detailing the attributes of macrolepiodptera, “a group of insects within the order of lepidotera.” Before you know it, you’ve been staring at the blue screen of your computer for hours, it’s 2 in the morning, and you’re full of information about butterfly species, their mating habits, their food sources, but you still don’t have a clear picture on your original question.

The Twins are an energetic duo, bouncing around, collecting tons of information in any direction their hearts pull them. As the moon moves into opposition on May 29th (7:19 am PDT) in steady-handed Sagittarius, we learn that The Centaur’s arrow is direction - and that direction is forward. The energy of any full moon is that of an emotional peak that pulling us in two directions. Gemini is an airy, social sign of sensing, gathering and formulating as many ideas and opinions as possible. Sagittarius seeks to burn away the fluff and assert which ideas make the cut to true genius and personal wisdom in leading us towards our greatest vision.

This full moon asks you to use your intuition to whittle away to the core of whatever ideas you’ve been creating around and focus on what keeps you on the bold, daring and adventurous path of living your truth. Gemini and Sagittarius are opposing signs that are the most like each other, so despite the tension of the opposition, this should be a giddy, high energy time full of interesting conversations, learning new things and hopefully setting a course of some kind. Action is called for with these two and they both point to another accent-on-action planet. Passionate, fiery Mars’ move into mad-genius Aquarius amplifies the energy and idea-oriented nature of the Gemini sun and supports the moon's Sagittarian forward thinking mission. Aquarius and Gemini both deal with the nervous system, so you may want to forgo your morning coffee, as this Mars/Sun pairing sets up an inner buzzing!

The ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter is in Scorpion and happily hooked up with Neptune in Pisces and Venus in Cancer. Much of the magic of the moment comes from a gut-level feeling as you find the flow and marry the head to the heart.

Horoscope May 29 - June 13

Gemini, if caught in the full moon's opposition, let your partner lead the way. Ride the joy of Jupiter rushing along in a water trine - like whitewater rafting. New visions come on fast! Mercury arrives in Gemini. Think about the symbolic meaning behind words. And let your light shine!

Cancer, o sweet Mama, isn't it fun having Venus in your sign? The action is behind the scenes for you and frankly out of your hands. Who cares? Flow with it. Your body feels lifted up. Don't over do it but tap into adventure. Let intuition find wisdom in the info. Words are symbols, listen carefully.

Leo, party with your tribe, dance with your clan, make merry and lighten up. Your home could be Grand Central for your peeps. This is mucho energy and you are naturally that way. Most will play with you but some won't. Let go of what and who's holding you back. Take a little down time, too.

Virgo, hope your weekend was fun. Back at work you'll be firing on all engines. Prepare for an influx of information and communication. Meanwhile, your heart and soul wants the home party to continue. Communicate with every time you talk.

Libra, you hear wisdom everywhere you go and philosophical talk sounds a bit like yada-yada to you. Basically, your Venus is tied into a beautiful, heartfelt conversation with all the water signs. Open your heart and let the logic go. It won't last forever but the ties that bind will be stronger.

Scorpio, it's amazing, you can be this open with your feelings and everyone opens up to you. Somehow, your self-esteem expands and your often serious self feels – buoyant! That being said, there's no permission for a temper tantrum at home. Whatever that's about, look at it scientifically.

Sagittarius, looks like you are the life of the party and that life comes bouncing back to you pretty fast. Don't get overblown with yourself, emotional energy is on a binge here too and that isn't your forte. Try feeling into what you preach and see if it matches your heart. Yep, walk your talk time.

Capricorn, even with ambitious skills and opening doors, there are things you are out of control of. However, your friends, neighbors and cohorts, even your significant other may know the way. Let them take the lead for a while and trust the universe to let you rest in it.

Aquarius, it's like you are taking a special supplement for brain power...as if you needed it. Your scientific approach might not win you as many points as a warmer, less detached approach to those of us out here. On the other hand, follow your passion, and use your contacts. Include them in some fun.

Pisces, the water party could sweep you away into alternate realities in a tsunami of emotions. Use it to express YOURself and further your creative projects. The gregarious and optimistic moon in your work arena could be opening doors if you have a focus. Entertain friends at home.

Aries, so how's it feel to have your fingers out of the electrical outlet as Uranus moves to Taurus. Mars in Aquarius helps you step down energy incrementally. An energetic moon - go expand your horizons. Act on passion with detachment even as emotional energy shows you the flow.

Taurus, feeling edgy? Over amped? Welcome to the rest of your year. Getting clear on your values and those you share with others/society will be your rudder as you ride the new winds. The water energy works for you, so find/feel your flow. Plan on the go but get moving.

O Stars Above: Taurus New Moon

Energized New Moon


This new moon brings to mind the song lyrics “hitch your wagon to a star.” Normally sedate Taurus hooks up to star-power in the form of Uranus, the electrical, r/evolutionary and revelatory planet moving into its meadow after an eight year rabble-rousing tour of Aries on the new moon (May 15, 4:47 am PDT).

Uranus' last trip through Taurus was in 1934 as it tip-toed back and forth from Aries to Taurus (as will happen later in the year) before settling into its new corral in 1935 until 1941. Many ultra-conservative and totalitarian trends attempted to take hold: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini.

In the USA, the infamous Dust Bowls led to innovative and humanitarian action in the New Deal which helped people negatively impacted by nature. Clearly the possibilities are an open field when Uranus settles in its new sign in March, 2019.

Uranus in Taurus brings revolution to both what we value and how we handle money through our banking systems. Think cryptocurrencies and other money changes ahead. How we work with nature is sure to take center stage, too, especially over the next few years with Saturn and Pluto planted in earthy Capricorn, the sign of traditional, established power and legacies. Our most important and valuable legacy is nature itself. Our disastrous impact on earth and earth's own urges, like the volcano in Hawaii, show a need to engage with nature as an interactive, collaborative force rather than something to be conquered.

Mars in a push-pull match with Uranus at the last, unstable degrees of bossy Capricorn and Aries. Both planets move to the next signs, fixed Aquarius and Taurus within hours of the new moon giving us a peek at what entrenched positions we will be bull-ing our way out of over the next eight years. Keep an eye on headlines for clues.

Taurus can be quite self-satisfied and content to loll in the sunshine, smell the roses and sip lemonade on the porch. Stubborn and slow to change is Taurus' middle name but as Uranus gets comfortable in the pasture, those words will shift to restless and changeable, especially with Mars nipping at the Bull's heel for the rest of the year.

Venus, ruler of Taurus, is in Gemini and a lovely relationship with Mercury, ruler of communications, who welcomes Uranus at the farmer's gate. Venus in any sign urges us to find harmony, love, affection, and beauty, diplomacy, and kindness and common courtesy. Speak with love, hold harmonious thoughts in mind, and Uranus, the king of Higher Mind, can elevate any fears around change and security

Taurus says the greatest security we can have is in grounding to our bodies, our inner values and hearts by staying rest, being in nature, and being kind. We can do that - even as we feel the sizzle.

Horoscope May 15 – 29

Taurus, wake-up, little bossie! Get clear about your mission and communicate it as you go. Your mission is to be so rooted in yourself that outer circumstance barely ruffle your hair. Oh, that's always your mission. Well, Uranus loosens up what needs to change so you can grow. Ye-Haw!

Gemini, if you've been working away on what's right for you, Venus in your sign comes as a harbinger of rewards to come. Reach out to friends, find the flow and rest. You wrap up your last year this month and begin to imagine the year ahead. Dream of goals you can manifest and make real!

Cancer, enjoy your broad network of friends and acquaintances. Build bridges and do small things to strengthen the bonds of friendship. You are building a system of strong partners and friends while imagining projects to set them loose on. Watch out world, Mama's here!

Leo, some may think you're in it for stardom. Few know how hard you work to manifest solid results and make magic happen when you are on stage. Steady on as you learn new skills so you can keep your craft alive and worthy of attention. Details, patience and applause!

Virgo, you must have an earthy, pragmatic belief system to see you through life. It's not all about work so use your discernment to cut the cord to what's a waste of time and energy when viewed in the light of your philosophy. You can't be everything to everybody or have skills for every need. Go play.

Libra, behind the scenes, you are sorting through what you will and won't do because some things you just plain don't care about. It's okay. Sort and file, then carry on with your plans. Not everyone needs to know, it's your business. You have the social grace and grease to soothe others AND be you!

Scorpio, your devious mind can go deep but only to set your foundations on bedrock. Ancestors and our families count in more ways than most know – but, YOU know. Root around in your family cellar to find the mysteries that impact your relationship. Then own up to your part of the tangle.

Sagittarius, we all shoot ourselves in the foot sometimes, but you have an angel helping you figure out how you do yourself wrong. Pay attention to your daily life and what works for you and what is a form of compensation and a place to self-soothe. Listen to your body like it knows what you need.

Capricorn, your basic death and rebirth project gets juiced by Uranus' move to Taurus in a good way. Adopt a mantra of “Surrender and let go” even as new life stirs. Be sure new opportunities match your action plans and doesn't simply solve a problem for “them.” It's intense stuff - take a spring break.

Aquarius, Mars' visit stirs your pot. Innovate, network, investigate, and move to more humanitarian arenas. Stodgy ideas, fixed habits, and childhood programming are due to change. It's time to figure out how you are your own worse enemy! Yep - until December! Talk therapy, anyone?

Pisces, talking about and writing goals are two concrete ways to start manifesting your powerful dreams and imagination. Just be sure to take those next steps and put plans into action. You're guardian angel lifts you up to higher perspectives. Drop whatever weighs you down.

Aries, can you feel the down shift as Uranus takes off for Taurus (8:16 am PDT, May 15)? It takes an adjustment, or at least, a deep breath! Look at the last eight years and see how you stepped into yourself. Tweak the innovation and individuality while the slower energy of grounding flows in.

O Stars Above: Scorpio Full Moon

Mr. Toad's Wild (Emotional) Ride

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Do remember the book of tickets Disneyland issued where the most exciting rides were the E tickets? The full moon in Scorpio on April 29 at 5:58 pm PDT reads like Mr. Toad's Wild (Emotional) Ride - fast, furious, and full of ups and downs. Scary as the ride might be, it stays on the tracks and eventually returns to the station.

The Scorpio moon's intense poking and prodding goes against the nature of the tender moon. Jupiter in Scorpio opened the door to the #metoo movement last October. Damaging, illicit behavior of those in power came to light lead by those who had been wounded by it. Sexual abuse, rape, disenfranchisement of half of the population in industry after industry came out of the shadows. Now long ignored sexual assault by the likes of Larry Dosser and Bill Cosby are winning in court. Jupiter retrograde is sifting through the psychological aftermath of such behavior and showing us the pain, relief and renewed confidence on the women's faces who were abused, denied and ignored.

April 15's new moon in dynamic Aries oversees this cycle keeping energetic Mars in Capricorn in the cosmic spotlight. He not only rules Aries but also co-rules Scorpio with Pluto. These two strategic planets wrap up a pointed conference together which adds fuel to the the brightness of this moon - and what it will continue to reveal.

Ponderous Pluto and Saturn have turned retrograde since the new moon. They continue to hammer out long-term decisions, even as Mercury in Aries, fresh from retrograde, is primed to forge ahead. But the three uber-strategists of Saturn, Pluto and Mars in Capricorn have clipped his wings and he's not at full speed yet. Use steady Mercury's energy by actively and courageously tackling issues that can trip up your future.

Aries looks like a revolving door with planets coming and going. At the front door, Chiron begins eight years of more clearly defining who we are. His expertise is in healing any shame or guilt at simply being who we are. He last traveled through Aries in 1969-1977.

Uranus, the planet of r/evolution, ends eight years in Aries, during which we embraced our idiosyncratic selves perhaps too much when we consider the exaggerated sense of entitlement and bullying.. He's off to wake up Taurus on May 15 which may usher in a more conservative period. He was last in Taurus from 1934 to 1941.

Thank goodness the Sun is in Taurus - steady, languid, pragmatic Taurus who;s combining his energy with slower Capricornian planets. The Taurean Sun says steady down, pay attention to the reality around you, listen to the signals from your body.

Here's the thing: each one of us knows exactly what compensation and fluff must be released in order to get down to essence where clarity and the re-vitalization of life's forces lies (Scorpio.) Healing is not a rip and tear activity. Healing happens when we feel safe, slow down and spend sweet, calm time with ourselves, significant friends and family and step into nature. Taurus' focus sounds simple and pays rich rewards. But only we can give ourselves this gift. The question is “Will we?”

Perhaps, if we sit beneath a spring tree and contemplate what needs released within ourselves, we too can catch a whiff of the Buddha's wisdom. After all, this is the moon he was enlightened under.

Horoscopes April 29 – May

Aries, three planets and five asteroids tap-dancing away lend you their energy. It's a mixed bag of action and nurturing. Wait until you know what actions nurture you. Look to actions that build memories you want to be remembered by and know that that alone creates a grand adventure.

Taurus, the time to slow down is when you're too busy! Watch and listen with inner eyes and ears. Enjoy the company of beloveds and diverse strangers. Embracing ancestral mythologies place you in the circle of life and bring out maturity, a sense of legacy. It's a different type of richness.

Gemini, you are undergoing a resurrection, revisiting old networks, taking private time to contemplate mysteries, exploring the psychological caves where life and others seem harsh. Or is that you asking too much of yourself and others? Some activities and people leave. Others return renewed.

Cancer, remember play brings its own rewards when you trust the process. The vibes of Capricorn call you from your inner world to leadership roles in your family and with all your relationships. Your right actions re-awakens youthful energy. Enjoy who you are and shine!

Leo, your sun so high in the sky is supported by the home team. Invest in skilled colleagues, daily routines, pets, good food, exercise. Feel your body come to life with the discipline of doing what it particularly needs. If work isn't backed by personal beliefs, change is coming. Align with yourself!

Virgo, a herd of aggravating little nigglies seem to need your deft hand and astute action. The right path – for you – is what you're looking for! Talk it through, sit with it, examine which path matches your beliefs, and that you can stamp with self-expression. When you find it, it is FUN!

Libra, you have much too offer but being spread too thin is too much. Ruffled feathers with all the tugging on you and your resources, skills, time, presence. Keep what you need for yourself and cut yourself free of “too-muchness.” Go out into this great world and play among her people.

Scorpio, can you feel the people out there feeling you? Feel exposed? There's a horror story for a Scorpio. Dig into family roots for deep perspectives that grow and nurture you. Look to the past to devise a strategy for a worthwhile future. Then - take right action – while taking care of your body.

Sagittarius, the work of 2015 through 2017 is paying off, literally. You've got solid, new resources. If they aren't translating to money yet they will. Make a serious plan. Take more play time, do nothing time, take a nap, daydream out the window. Solutions sneak in through doing not-much.

Capricorn, limits, boundaries, schedules, strategy action, a work ethic, your body, your network. Aren't you having fun? Since you threw off ambition taking time to regroup, you know what you are about, what you value and how you fit in the societal group. You know how to get things done! Yahoo!

Aquarius, this moon activates the shifts and changes the eclipses are pushing you toward. Best action? Get political, astute and focused on who has the power and what motivates them. What motivates you? Are you working the action from behind the scenes? Or are you being worked?

Pisces, this moody moon travels with your ruling planet. Drowning in the tides of murky waters, emotional surge tides? Ultimately, this is great stuff for literature, art and drama, but you got to get through it, right? Follow friends in your network who match your highest beliefs for the moment.


O Stars Above: Aries New Moon

Excitement in Blossoming

No one is left out of the first New Moon of the astrological new year in Aries (April 15, 6:57 pm PDT). We journey again through the lessons of the Zodiac remembering our mission: to be the most radiant being we possibly can be. Here's inspiration from the ancient Inscription from the Oracle at Delphi:


Keep these Words, O, You who Wish to Know the Depths of Nature.

If You do not Find Within Yourself that which You Seek,
Neither will You Find it Outside of Yourself.

If You Ignore the Wonders of Your own House,
How do You expect to Find other Wonders?

In You is Hidden the Treasure of Treasures.
Know Thyself. And You will Know the Universe and the Gods.

To know ourselves, we must get real. Capricorn, the reality sign, gathers Pluto, Saturn and Mars to help us get down to it. And honestly, planets only get this real every twenty-eight years! Now is the time to upgrade whatever needs an overhaul in your life. Don't waste time in lose-lose situations. Use your hard won experience to say “Enough!” Re-invent yourself. Go for a cosmic make-over!

Saturn's reputation depicts him as a demanding, hard-core god forgetting that he also rewards adult action in the real world. In fact, he helps us undertake the tasks at hand! He reminds us to set limits and boundaries, do the work needed to build the lives we want and focus our energy, time and money to those ends. He empowers us to be the authority in our lives and if we aren't happy, make changes. Saturn, Pluto, or Mars don't promise easy, but they form strategies, are tough and get nearly impossible jobs DONE. Engage the challenge!

The new moon in Aries brings a powerhouse of dynamic, youthful outlooks to our mission. The radiant outwardly expressing Sun and the sensitive inner Moon (who knows the inner truth of what you will and won't put up with) are harnessed to the revolutionary/evolutionary intent of Uranus.

If we aren't dealing voluntarily with our urge for changes, Uranus brings it in unexpected ways like job losses, accidents, health issues, unexpected divorces, societal changes. Haven't we seen it all over the last eight years of Uranus' romp through Aries? As a society, we've taken his outspoken, in- your-face energies to the limits expressing opinions as though they are the only important ones while delivering them with the knock-out punches of a heavy-weight boxer. If you've unfriended family and friends and are sitting sad and lonely, make amends as AA says and clean up your overly enthusiastic (can we say bullying) behavior.

This moon's turning point comes bearing blessings from Venus, Jupiter and Neptune who reassure us that we are all blossoming into complete people, but at different paces. Perhaps knowing that allows us to offer compassion to all the other bozos on our bus.

How do you feel, behave or cope when your authority is challenged? Those reactions are a checkpoint in coming to know ourselves and discovering where our limits are and where we have work to do in order to join the broader society. We all have a right, and a responsibility, to know and heal our inner world so we can navigate our outer world and contribute as full beings to the Aquarian Age.

Horoscopes April 15 – 31

Aries, celebrate breakthroughs made over the last eight years. You are more capable of an authentic journey to full blossoming. Congrats and off you go! If your birthday is April 16-19, you're a work in progress and this moon has oomph in it for you! Keep on breaking free until next February.

Taurus, behind the scenes, things are trying to get you to moooove even as you look unruffled on the surface. This dichotomy calls for extra rest and quiet. Let go of outmoded beliefs that weigh you down. Upgrade to adult belief systems across the board. Too much indulgence is possible.

Gemini, what a relief, your buddy, Mercury, turns direct and you are good to go with a new spoonful of compassion for whatever and whoever is ailing you. Mingle with your tribe of friends. Possessions you share with others could be going through changes and forcing changes on you.

Cancer, close relationships and positions of authority put you in the spotlight and stress you in the process. Later in July birthdays feel this pull more. New boss? Or are you the new boss? How does that impact partners? You may be helping close partners take their next adult steps.

Leo, new ideas about old subjects open doors to possibilities. Pick the view that sets you free to be you. Then if you get applauded, you know it is for your true self. Fly free from ego-bound cages. Pretend you are young and just starting out - go for whatever feels like that!

Virgo, balancing your values with your partner's and learning to work together is a challenge.

But there is a release of energy available when you learn how to make it work for both people. Then instead of holding back yourself, you fly to new endeavors with more compassion, less nagging.

Libra, thank goodness for the spontaneity of your Aries partners who save you from weighing all the options. Just get up and go. You need the fun they bring as you find a storehouse of compassion for yourself – and them – even daring relationships! Inner work remodeling from childhood under way.

Scorpio, vigorous work envigorates you, especially if you are the self-starter in the work arena. Adulting in your home arena brings you a new sense of authority and presence. Simply put you feel more real and up to the daily tasks at hand. Early Scorpio birthdays feel the urge for change!

Sagittarius, go play! Be a kid! Find playmates. Take a risk, make a gamble. You've had enough adulting and you pay the bills, so if that's handled, give yourself a break! The down time resets incoming dreams and visions and you can't live without that. Then you can get down with new strategies.

Capricorn, what a powerhouse of planets at your fingertips. Inner renovation work proceeds but fresh starts are at hand. Some Cappies need the opportunities of responsibility in the world to find themselves. Some need to be responsible to and for themselves. Your roots hold the key. Steady on.

Aquarius, forging ahead in everyday life comes naturally to you and that is where your evolutionary instinct lies. Freedom? Or discord? It's a tough call because there are heavy hitters stirring up your inner world. Quiet and off-duty time gives you space to listen with your inner ear.

Pisces, you may seem meek and mild but you have a warrior's sense of personal values. You decide how to use your resources - time, money, energy, skills, creativity. There's a trend of faith and optimism even as you wade through some murky waters. Ultimately new beliefs set you free.